ECC-F Trainer For Fault Simulation On Refrigerant And Electric Circuit Refrigeration Training Equipment Teaching Equipment
This trainer was designed for fault simulation on the refrigerating and electric circuits of a positive temperature refrigeration plant charged with fluid R134a.
• Plant commissioning
• Investigate the concepts at the base of a refrigerating plant
• Perform electrical and/or fluidic measurements on a plant for calculating power and efficiency and for tracing refrigeration cycles
• Work on different technologies of expansion device
• Parallel operation of evaporators
• Monitoring a plant and determining the cause of the simulated faults
• Steel structure painted and treated in oven and mounted on wheels
• Refrigerating unit consisting of:
- Commercial semi-hermetic compressor with cooling power of 1.100 W (condensation: +45°C, evaporation:
- Dryer filter
- Sight glass
- Liquid receiver
- Valve for fluid recovery
- Liquid separator

- Evaporating pressure regulator
- Shut-off valves
- Condenser fan speed pressostatic variator (HP)
- Compressor control pressure switch (LP)
- Combined safety pressure switch (HP / LP)
- Liquid-vapour heat exchanger at the common output of the two evaporators
- Oil separator
• Forced convection air cooled condenser with fan electric power of 75 W at the air flow rate of 0,35 m3 /s with variable speed controlled by pressostatic speed variator
• Forced convection air evaporator (500 W cooling power) placed in the open air, fed by solenoid valve (manually controlled) and thermostatic expansion valve
• Forced convection air evaporator (500 W cooling power) installed in a sealed and visible room (to allow the trainer to operate with two temperature levels and to control the
correct fans operation), with defrosting timer and fed by solenoid valve (controlled by electronic thermostat) and four different expansion devices (manually selectable, without
components dismounting or use of tools):
- Capillary tube
- Automatic valve

- Thermostatic valve with internal equalizer
- Thermostatic valve with external equalizer
• 24VAC control circuit
• Electric panel consisting of:
- thermomagnetic - earth leakage control button
- contactors
- thermal relays
- relays
- state lamps of evaporators, compressor, defrosting heater and of safety pressure switch intervention
- run button
• Emergency push button
• Electric fault simulator operating with keyboard and microprocessor enabling the teacher to introduce anomalies and to assess the troubleshooting attempts carried out by students
The instrumentation mounted on the trainer allows:
• to measure the pressure of the refrigerant fluid with pressure gauge:
- at compressor inlet and outlet
- at the inlet of the evaporator (placed in the open air) / outlet of the expansion device
- at the inlet of the evaporator (placed in the hermetic room) / outlet of the expansion devices
- at the outlet of the evaporator (placed in the open air)
- at the outlet of the evaporator (placed in the hermetic room)
• to measure the refrigerant fluid flow rate at the evaporators inlet
• to measure the refrigerant fluid temperature using a thermometer with a probe to be applied along the hydraulic circuit of the installation
The equipment simulates the following faults:
• On the cooling circuit:
- fault due to low refrigerant charge
- fault due to too high refrigerant charge
- dryer filter clogged
- malfunction of the expansion devices
- malfunction of the evaporating pressure regulator
- solenoid valves leakage
• On the condenser and evaporators circuits:
- crust in the condenser
- crust in one evaporator
• On the electrical circuits:
- compressor motor overcurrent
- cut-off of one phase of the compressor motor
- stop of a fan of one of the evaporators
- cut-off of two phases of the compressor motor
- compressor motor overheating
- faulty defrosting heater
• On the control circuit:
- Faulty coil of the solenoid valves
- Faulty safety double pressure switch
- Faulty defrost timer
- Faulty control thermostat
- Faulty Pump Down pressure switch
- Faulty pressostatic fan speed variator
Dimensions: 180 x 80 x 180 cm
Net Weight: 203 kg
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